Glover Genealogy

Monday, November 18, 2019


I would be amiss if I didn't write a wee post for my sister and BFF (fellow genealogist),  who is a "DataMiner" where I, on the other hand, tend to get distracted and easily go down "rabbit holes" getting off track without a "plan" to keep me on course.

What exactly is a "DataMiner" you ask. Well here is a web link for LiPad which is a site that only "DataMiners" would fully appreciate and most probably spend a lot of time reviewing. So this one is for my "sista".

What is LiPaD
Simply put LiPad is the "Canadian Hansard" (Transcript of Parliamentary Debates for the last 150 years running record of Canadian political history)  yes they digitized it!

So what does LiPaD stand for and who's behind it?
The "Linked Parliamentary Database" is courtesy of the University of Toronto,  in collaboration and support from the SSHRC, the NSERC, the Digging into Data initiative, the Library of Parliament, Library and Archives Canada,, and Michael Mulley at

Click here to visit LiPaD

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