Glover Genealogy

Friday, November 22, 2019

One step closer to finding Francis Glover and his lands

So today was a day that I dug deeper ...

As per my previous post I had discovered 1 singular entry regarding Francis Glover in which he had transaction with John Stillwell and John Smith in Mary of 1770. This entry was found in "The Colonial Conveyances"

So I am taking this one step further and trying to "locate' EXACTLY where this lot/or parcel of land is specifically.

Looking at the State of New Jersey - Department of State / New Jersey database searchable website I came up with three results. ( click here for results)

When I tried to order on line (once again I need to send this via - cheque - (which is safer still for me when using my credit card). Information is disclosed that I knew nothing of previously i.e. the relationship and proximity to Joshua Opdyke and Joseph Cole and Hugh Webster and other pioneers.

"HINT" ... I found a "Margaret Glover" listed as an Executor to Joshua Opdycke's estate. This will be a blog for another day. As I need to stay on track.

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